When a pokie player is enjoying their favourite machine, they have the anticipation of hitting the big one. But some sceptics say big wins on NZ pokies, or any slot machines, are extremely rare, or even impossible. This is undoubtedly not true, as there have been some big pokie winners at the on-land casinos, as well as online.

Pokies for Real Money

For those who enjoy playing the pokies at online casinos, often they are given a chance to play with fake money, or to be able to join the site, so they can deposit, and play with real money. If one has expectations about winning, then they need to be playing online pokies for real money.

What Does Win Big Mean?

Everyone has their own individual idea as to what a big win is for them. Many NZ pokie players feel a win beyond $100 is big enough for them. Then, others don’t consider a success, unless it is in the thousands.

The Progressive Jackpots

For those who want the opportunity for big jackpots, when these occur, it is most often through gameplay on the progressive pokies. These pokies have jackpot wins that keep climbing everytime a bet is made on them. These pokies can be found at several different casinos, where all the bets placed, accumulate in the jackpot amount. Normally, if one wants to win the huge amount, they have to place a maximum bet.

Playing with the Right Mindset

Everyone wants to win big, but it is not smart to chase the big wins. Pokies are a game of chance. If you just happen to be on the right machine at the right time, then you could be a big winner. However, aside from jackpots, some pokies pay out solid wins with the right combination, or through a bonus round, or even with some free spins.